Grand Theft Auto IV is a popular open-world action-adventure game developed by Rockstar North. It was released for the PC platform via Steam in 2008 and still has a considerable following 13 years later.
The game's download size on Steam is currently around 22 GB, which is relatively large for a game that was released over a decade ago. This is due in large part to the game's numerous features and expansive open world.
In addition to the base game, Grand Theft Auto IV has two expansion packs available for download: The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony. These add-ons bring even more content to the game, but also increase its overall download size.
Despite its age, Grand Theft Auto IV remains a beloved classic for many gamers. Its large download size can be a bit intimidating for some, but it's well worth it for those who want to experience the game's exciting and immersive world.
Overall, the game's size is a testament to its depth and longevity, and it's still worth playing for those who haven't yet had the chance to experience it.
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GTA: деградация физики и деталей (GTA 3 vs Vice City, San Andreas, 4, 5).
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